Monday, February 20, 2012


Hello Multimedia Guys, Gurus and Geeks,
I am excited to share my knowledge and expertise in the field of Trial Presentation Services/Support (TPS). Some of you may be new to this profession and/or looking to grow in it. My book - A Multimedia Perspective, Business Presentations" will spell out many of the processes and limit the tragedy of your growing pains. I have sat in the "hot seat" for many trials, arbitrations and mediations, and have developed over 300 PowerPoint presentations which I believe makes me more than qualified to speak to the issues of this dynamic and fluid arena.

In this blog, I plan to cover those areas critical to excellent Trial Presentation Services i.e., administration, equipment management, technology, trial team and client relationships, the war room, the courtroom, after action reporting, graphics development, and more. I will divulge many of my winning strategies and display sample illustrations, photos, and videos associated with specific topics of discussions.

For those who require a faster road to understanding this dynamic area of Trial Presentation Services/Support, you may order a copy of my book by following the link:

Ken Sapp
24/7 & Loving it!

Business Owner

I'm excited to be moving in the direction which I have been working very hard for many years! Although my focus continues to be Trial Support Services I also have other business ventures in the works all, of course, which are related to the Multimedia field. That is what is so invigorating about this profession. Some or all of the parts touch on many areas of the corporate and business world; it is ever changing and one can not afford to become stagnate or complacent. To stay on top one has to continue to "study to show thyself approved" in this area of expertise.
I look forward to continuing to Share the Knowledge with many of you. Check out my website for a copy of my book:

24/7 and Lovin it!